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The Healing Playground

Created by Linda Champagne, M.Ed, The Healing Playground is a wellness consulting and educational center in Glendale, Arizona.

For those interested in the pursuit of health and wellness, The Healing Playground conveniently centralizes a wide range of highly useful supportive resources. In addition to Linda Champagne's considerable skills in individual consultations, group activities and public speaking presentations, The Healing Playground brings a unique consortium of health care professionals and wellness practitioners together in a conducive, supportive, environment.

For health care professionals The Healing Playground offers a newly renovated classroom sized office space, with ample parking and the basic administrative equipment needed to see clients, teach classes, and build a business, without the need for a full lease commitment. They can also become a part of a synergistic consortium of health care practitioners with the potential for cross-fertilizing ideas and referrals.