Welcome to Mondo Creative! We are a full-service media development agency near Phoenix, Arizona that specializes in digital media creation for all types and sizes of clients. We enjoy partnering with our clients to develop highly effective solutions for all marketing, advertising, and communications needs.

Our vision is to build strong working relationships with our clients through understanding, insight, honesty, integrity, and hard work. We passionately engage in consultation, conceptualization, design, and production for any or all aspects of the media development process. Our goal is to achieve successful, cost-effective, high-quality media solutions that are custom tailed to surpass our clients needs and exceed their expectations.



Mr. Stong has extensive experience in video production, desktop publishing, graphic design, and illustration on both Mac and PC platforms.

While living in Hawaii, David spent several years creating memorable designs and illustrations for high visibility projects. He received television and newspaper coverage for designing the logo commemorating The 50th Anniversary of the End of World War II, where he met The First Family and had President Clinton sign an original copy of the commemorative poster.

David received an Emmy Certificate for video graphics and special effects on the Emmy winning TV-documentary Simple Courage. He was the second Hawaiian artist and first digital artist to have a design selected for an Amerivox Collector's Edition phone card. In addition, he was profiled in the Pacific Business News received recognition from the Pacific Rim Institute for Service Excellence, and was a recipient of the Hawaiian Medallion Award for Excellence in Graphic Design. Recently, David was selected for inclusion in the America's Registry of Outstanding Professionals and the prestigious Marquis Who's Who in the World.

David has produced numerous print publications for international companies such as: American Express-Travel, GTE, Columbia Communications, Inc., and Global Hospitality Solutions. Also known for his website development, David designed the original Global Golfer Website that was chosen by PC Computing (December, 1995) as one of the world's top 1001 Internet sites.

David is also an experienced teacher and trainer. He earned a BBA and MBA through the University of Wisconsin system. As the Assistant Manager at the Wisconsin Innovation Center, he evaluated the commercial feasibility of new product ideas, trained and worked with staff and ad-hoc evaluators, and led the Center's new product development team. In addition, David was The Program Associate for the Creativity Development Division at The Center For Creative Leadership, in Greensboro, North Carolina. He taught in the Center's creativity and leadership programs and conducted seminars and consulting projects in creative problem-solving, new product development, computer applications in creativity, high performance team building, and implementing innovation for Fortune 500 companies and government agencies like: 3M, American Cyanamide, Arco Chemical, CIA, Goodyear, Kodak, Meade Paper, Pillsbury, Secret Service, and The U.S. Army. After leaving the Center, David taught business and marketing at Greensboro College, a four-year, liberal arts institution, and continued his creativity and innovation consulting for clients like: Arthur Young, CIA, Integon Insurance, The Maryland Institute of Design College of the Arts, The Sawtooth Center for Design, and Thomas-Betts.

Mr. Stong is well-versed in advanced computer software instruction. David is one of only 30 Premiere Certified CorelDRAW! Instructors in North America. He was a Program Developer and Trainer for The Future Within, a multimedia-based youth motivational program, from 1998 until 2002. David has also taught such courses as Multi-Presentation Graphics, Adobe Premiere, and Photoshop For Multimedia, as a Computer Graphics Instructor in the Art Department at Glendale Community College for over five years.

After moving to Arizona, he completed consulting, training, and design projects for high profile Arizona businesses like: Axxess Technologies, Arizona Environmental Enhancements, Brown & Bain, Global Hospitality Solutions, Gore Industries, Hammer Institute For Anti-Aging Medicine, HDS McKesson, Hilton Hotels, Hospitality Solutions International, Kaplan Communications, Llumination, Peak Property Management, The Phoenix Gazette, Re-ink America, Revelations, Skill Technologies, Sleep America, The Sound Lab, Superior Coatings, and Village Labs.


Mr. Perlmutter received his bachelor of fine arts degree from Rhode Island School of Design, and a master’s degree of fine arts in Media Communications from Massachusetts College of Art with studies at The Center for Advanced Visual Studies at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Andrew served as Director of Graphic Arts/Boys Toys and Playschool for Hasbro, Inc. He was responsible for the product development cycle including logo development, package design, consumer instructional material, production, marketing concepts, and collateral advertising. While at Hasbro he acted as a liaison with companies such as Disney, Jim Henson, United Syndicates, and Milton Bradley. Managing a team of 70, Andrew controlled a budget of ten million dollars annually, and interfaced with marketing to translate marketing objectives into direction for graphic design and designers.

Working as an Art Director for Leo Burnett Advertising in Chicago, Andrew’s clients included Kelloggs, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Schlitz Beer, Dewars, Marlboro, Virginia Slims, Union 76, and United Air Lines.

In his own design agency, Buehner and Perlmutter, Andrew worked with clients to provide design and production services as well as the development and implementation of strategic advertising campaigns to include: packaging, media kits, brochures, print advertising and point of sale purchases. Clients included: Western Publishing, Tyco, Parker Brothers, and Summer Infant Products.

Andrew is an experienced teacher and curriculum developer. He was hired to develop curriculum in two dimensional design, illustration, advertising and video production at the School of the Worcester Art Museum, Worcester Massachusetts. He later served as Chairperson for the Commercial Design Department.

Andrew has had experience in what motivates young children. He taught art in the Millville school system, Millville, MA and has continued to provide gratis art lessons to elementary students.

Andrew has received awards and projects grants throughout his career. In 1976 and 1977, he was awarded a Ford Foundation Project Grant and in 1978, a Massachusetts Council of the Arts Grant. In 1977, Andrew received the Braun Packaging Award for teaching design and in 1987 and The Graphically Speaking Printing Excellence Competition Award for packaging design.


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